Putnam-Westchester Social Studies/ELA Curriculum
The Putnam-Westchester SS/ELA Curriculum is an interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on the skills and practices, unifying themes, and the conceptual understandings outlined in the Social Studies Framework, while integrating the ELA Common Core Standards in Literacy and Writing. This curriculum fosters collaboration, higher order thinking and collaborative learning. The highlights of this curriculum are:
- The curriculum stresses LITERACY in the classroom, emphasizing the 6 shifts in Literacy.
- The curriculum provides teachers with EVERYTHING:
- Unit overviews
- Background information for the teachers
- Lesson plans that already identify the core standards, student objectives, essential questions, and activities.
- SMART Board Applications
- Close Reading Modules
- Guided Reading Activities with guided reading questions
- Inquiries that are aligned to the C3 Framework
- Links to web-pages and video clips to enhance lessons
- Access to primary source documents and rich, hard to find informational texts
- Vocabulary Lists
- Worksheets and Graphic Organizers
- Pre/Post Tests
- Assessments, including multiple choice, constructive response, and essays.
- Writing Activities (opinion/persuasive, informative/explanatory, and narrative) with Rubrics
To access the curriculum please go to www.pnwboces.org/ssela