Social Studies
The Social Studies Department at Baldwin Middle School continues to reinforce the New York State Next Generation Learning Standards Literacy Skills in History and the Social Studies skills and practices that are outlined in the New York State K-12 Framework for Social Studies. Our courses in grades 6-8 are designed to teach students how to be critical thinkers. We encourage our students to respect and understand multiple historical viewpoints and diverse experiences so they can become active and contributing members of society and the global community. They are challenged to investigate, ask questions, analyze and critique information so they can draw conclusions and problem solve. In our classrooms, students are engaged in activities aligned with the New York State K-12 Framework for Social Studies.
In grade 6, students learn about World History, such as Ancient and Classical Civilizations as well as the world’s belief systems and the Middle Ages. In 7th grade, students take the first of a two-year sequence in United States History, which examines the founding of the United States through the American Civil War. The course sequence continues into 8th grade, which examines Reconstruction through poresent day. At the 7th and 8th grade levels, students have the opportunity to enroll in the Honors Program, which introduces students to the skills and practices necessary to be successful in the Advanced Placement program at the high school level. All students complete an interdisciplinary project addressing the year-long essential question each grade level examines. The projects includes working collaboratively to conduct research on a topic, take civic action to address or help solve the issue, and a presentation. The department hosts the annual Better World Day (BWD) Nights where students have an opportunity to showcase their projects for the community.
Michael Butler
Supervisor of Social Studies
960 Hastings Street
Baldwin NY 11510
High School: 516.434.6150
Middle School: 516.434.6250